Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Oh boy I am way too excited for this summer to come ugh and it's only March. Well on the bright side Spring Break and my birthday are in March! But anyways that's not my point. These past 3 summers I've been going to a camp with my church. It's called Camp Pike and it's basically the greatest place I have ever been. Even better than Italy, Paris, and London. Yes. It's that great. Let me explain this greatness to you...

Camp Pike isn't like the typical camps that people go to like Pine Cove or Sky Ranch, it's a lot different. We use the facilities of the camp called Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp which is at the bottom of Pike's Peak in Colorado, hence the name Camp Pike. They couldn't have chosen a better location for this camp, it is absolutely beautiful! Here let me just prove that to you with a few pictures...

There were plenty of deer running around, see if you can spot it

I want to say this was a marmet??

Ugh I hate how small this shows up, it doesn't do it justice

The adorable little chapel

Those were just a few pictures I found really quick on my computer, unfortunately I don't have a picture of Inspiration Point, but I'm sure I'll upload a picture of that here soon. 

Anyways, this camp goes on for a week for campers and two weeks for counselors, which I have been blessed to be a part of the group of counselors this year!!! Throughout the camp, we go on hikes up various trails near the camp site. It's a major workout considering the high altitude and the fact that hiking up a mountain is just plain difficult, but it's definitely worth it once you reach the top and get to see that breathtaking view. The campers also partake in fun activities like paint your counselor, protect your counselor (which I think we got rid of and I'm kinda sad about that) and sports and crafts and a bunch of other stuff. One of the best parts though is the worship. During worship you can just feel God's presence in the room as everyone's voices come together and sing, it's beautiful. After worship the counselors will do little devos that are always amazing. 

I just cannot believe that I actually have the opportunity to go back this year. I'm at the age where you can no longer be a camper and the only way you can go is if you are accepted as a counselor after a long application process. But all that hard work payed off and we have an awesome group of counselors this year. I can't wait to bond with everyone and become friends with people I wouldn't have if it weren't for camp.

Alright well I could go on forever and ever of the greatness of Camp Pike and I'm sure I'll have more posts in the future about how great it is, but for now I guess I should go back to studying my APUSH IDs for my big test tomorrow!

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