Sunday, April 21, 2013


Wow it has been soooo long since I've posted on here! I have been so wrapped up with tons and tons of school work and other things I haven't found the time to post nor has there been anything to post about!

After being totally swamped and stressed over school, I finally had a nice fun weekend with family and friends. Friday night we had Lariette try outs, which was an extremely long process this year, but it was a lot of fun because I met some new friends who will be joining the team next year. I'm actually starting to get excited for my senior year on Lariettes. We'll have 63 this year and the new girls I met will be great additions to the team. Also on Saturday the new officers were chosen and I am so excited about that because they are such a great group of girls!

Following tryouts, in the morning my family and I went to visit my grandparents in Oklahoma. It was a nice relaxing weekend over there filled with naps, chocolate cake, coffee ice cream, the usual. But now that I'm back home I have a lot of homework I need to finish! Hopefully soon I'll have more interesting things to post about...