Saturday, March 30, 2013


I've been meaning to post this for weeks now, but I haven't had the time to work on this video. This is the first video like this that I have ever made so bear with me! At the very end of spring break my family and I went to San Antonio and stopped in Austin on the way home and I took a bunch of random videos throughout the trip and I finally found the time to compile them all into this video. It's not the greatest video ever, but I had fun making it and I'm hoping I'll get better and better at this.

San Antonio from Emily Cox on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


WARNING this post contains a ton of pictures

Wow I can't believe this time last year I was on my way to London and Paris and the year before that I was on my way to Italy. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was boarding the plane for that awful 8 hour flight that would land in some of the prettiest cities. I miss tagging along on my brother's choir trip to Italy. It was so awesome seeing him get to sing in churches in Italy including the Vatican. That was probably the coolest experience. And the fact that we had tour guides that came with us to each city and told us everything about the various places we went. Everything was sooooo beautiful. Oh how I wish I was going back this year...

Here's a bunch of pictures from Italy:

That was extremely hard to narrow down which pictures to post and there was still a lot of pictures...

Now here's a ton more pictures from London and Paris:

Sorry for the excessive amount of pictures, but I couldn't help myself. Italy, London, and Paris were amazing.