Today's Jesus Calling could not be any more perfect and the footnotes my bible had on each verse was spot on.
It talks about a few different things starting with "let me control your mind". It talks about how the mind is the most restless thing in mankind. Our minds are constantly thinking and wandering to a hundred different places and we often forget to think positively. I'm not sure if that's exactly what this Jesus Calling is trying to say about our wandering minds, but the way my bible comments on the verses it makes a lot of sense and is a great lesson that I had never thought of.
This then transitions into the next topic: "I made you in my image". It gives the verse Genesis 1:26-27 which talks about God creating man and I was like yeah yeah I know that. But what I hadn't thought about was what it meant when it says "in his own image". That saying has never really stuck out to me, but my bible perfectly defined it by saying "we are reflections of God's glory". Isn't that so cool to think about? We have the ability to reflect who God is by practicing love, patience, forgiveness, kindness, and faithfulness.
Then my bible turned this around in a really cool way. We all have a really bad habit of looking at ourselves in the mirror and thinking we're not good enough right? Well have you ever thought that when you're thinking that, you are criticizing God's creation? It's crazy and I've never thought of it that way, but it's
so true! The footnotes in my bible say "criticizing or downgrading ourselves is criticizing what God has made and the abilities he has given us". Think about that next time you don't feel good about yourself and remind yourself that you were made in God's image and that will help you feel more positive about yourself.
Then it goes back to the mind again with the verse Romans 8:6. We need to stop centering our minds on flesh and worldly things. We need to center our minds on God, which will fill us with peace. You never really notice how much your mind is filled with worldly things until you take the time out of your day to spend it with God. Just doing little things like reading Jesus Calling makes a huge difference and you seriously can feel yourself being filled with peace when your mind is centered on God.