Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Like every other day after I got home from camp, I am missing it so terribly much. Although, I've been able to see/hear from all the counselors pretty often which makes missing camp a little more bearable.

The two weeks I got to spend in Colorado were probably some of the best weeks of my life. I got to spend it with great people in God's beautiful creations. It sucks being back in humid Texas where it's 100 degrees all the time as opposed to 70-80 degrees in Colorado. And I never thought I'd say this while I was at camp, but I actually do miss hiking. As tough as it is to climb up those mountains, the views were gorgeous and I wish I could go back right now and enjoy those just a tad longer and take a few extra pictures.

I also miss spending time with the awesome mennonites at camp. The camp we stay at is Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp and it is run by a great group of mennonites who are also Christians just with a few differences. We got a few chances to just sit around and talk and get to know them and we also did some devos with them and got to discuss a ton of different things about our faith. It was probably one of the coolest experiences especially when we got them to sing all our favorite songs and we sang (more like attempted to sing) their favorite hymns. They are definitely some of the coolest people I have ever met and I couldn't ask for anyone better to run our camp facilities.

OH my gosh and the food... I miss the food. It was sooooooooo good. I don't even know how to put the greatness of the food into words, just believe me, it's delicious.

I just really really miss being in the mountains. Waking up every morning and hiking up to inspiration point with that awesome view. Gosh it's wonderful.

Colorado is just all around perfect in the summer and I wish camp lasted all summer long.

Here are a few pictures, a lot of them are on my phone still so maybe I'll do another post with more later
Top of Raspberry

All the newbie counselors

Top of Crags

This just cracks me up 

Nativity rock

The ridge of Pikes Peak